Model 3000 Software and USB Driver Installation This directory contains all of the software, USB drivers, and installation procedures for the Model 3000 Digital Capacitance Meter. A summary of the files and directories is given below. LabVIEW7DemoPrograms\… directory of Model 3000 Demo v1.1 programs for existing LabVIEW® 7 users LabVIEWScreenShots\… directory of Model 3000 Demo v1.1 programs screen shoots in jpg and png formats zip file contains all of the LabVIEW® 7 VI's zip file contains Model 3000 Demo v1.1 programs and LabVIEW® 7 runtime engine Readmefirst.pdf this file in Adobe Acrobat format Readmefirst.txt this file in text format ReadmeUSBDriverInstall.pdf USB driver installation information in Adobe Acrobat format ReadmeUSBDriverInstall.txt USB driver installation information in text format zip file contains all of the USB driver files and additional installation information General Installation Procedure: Review the "ReadmeUSBDriverInstall" document. Copy or download the "" file to your local drive. Unzip the file and review the "Readmefirst" file. Plug the Model 3000 into your computer's USB port and install the USB drivers following the instructions in the "Windows_XP_Installation_Guide.pdf". For existing LabVIEW® 7 users, copy or download all of the files in LabVIEW7- DemoPrograms\… directory to your local drive. Review the "Readmefirst" file and follow the installation procedure for "Quick Start for Existing LabVIEW® 7 Installations". For users without LabVIEW® 7 or for standalone applications, copy or download the file "" to your local drive. Unzip the file and review the "Readmefirst" file and follow the installation procedure "Installation for Users without LabVIEW® 7". Note: All software and drivers for the Model 3000 have been tested only on computers running Microsoft's Windows XP® Professional and Home editions. All of the Model 3000 and USB communication VI's were written in LabVIEW® 7 and will not run in earlier versions of LabVIEW®. Contact National Instruments,, to upgrade to version 7 or later. For support on driver installation and other issues related to the software or LabVIEW® 7 runtime engine installation, contact GLK Instruments at Copyright 2005 GLK Instruments 3/9/2005